Friday 12 April 2013

Ground Control

Trekked it into the Glue Studio today to have a chat with James Dive! It was really interesting getting information from a practicing creator outside of uni. And I spent more time talking about my project with one stranger, than the combined time spent with both tutors over the last 5 weeks (giant class sizes are to blame). I now know what it feels like being a tween-girl watching twilight....What a dork. Next stage is compressing the ridiculously long brief cofa assigned and busting out some more research. 

Dive mentioned Storm Glasses that "detected"...storms. There were sealed containers with distilled water and chemicals. (This was thought of due to the narrowed down idea of "creating atmospheres to demonstrate energy usage" and responsive objects/installations).

And now some new designs:
Storm Glass, Craig Borum, 2011
Tempo Drop, Perrocaliente

Scientists still don't understand exactly the way it works, however theories include temperature changes, electromagnetic changes and particles quantum tunnelling through the glass. They're a great example of objects that react to the environment which is kinda cool. 

Nasa releases time lapse videos every now and then and proves just how insignificant we all are. It brings into sharp contrast our inflated opinions of the human race (just because we have opposable thumbs). That and atmosphere. 

And then the slow-mo guys uploaded a video of paint exploding at 15000fps! Once paused the images give the same impression. Now imagine that as an object! A bit off track but scale it up a bit and have the lights pulse BOOM!

atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere

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